Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wabi-Sabi has moved!

You betta believe it!

Go here if you don't believe me:

Or you could keep checking back on this blog, but then you wouldn't see any new posts and that would be pretty stupid.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

1 Week To Make A Game - Day 2

Hello again! Today I have some interesting developments.

Firstly, the game planned in the first post, well, that will not be completed in a week. No no, the idea is too good and the ideas I have for it too grand to downgrade it so. No, I shall keep working on it, but as a much larger project. I don't want to leave you totally disappointed though so here's a cool sketch I made of the first area of the game.

Click for larger image.

Secondly, the game I WILL be working on over the next week.. *drumroll*

Will look like this:

Like it? Hate it? Well I like it. My new strategy for tackling this 1 Game in a Week thing is: SIMPLICITY. Some of the world's most popular games (video and otherwise) are so popular on virtue of their simplicity. (No, I'm not saying this game will be that good.)

We'll see how it pans out tomorrow as I struggle to learn MMF 2's terrible, awful scripting "language". Until then, my love is a stolen catchphrase.

P.S. Props to mah scientist peeps at da Large Hadron Collider yo. Keep up da hard werk n dont let dah haterz put u down. peace out

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

1 Week To Make A Game - Day 1

And so it begins. Can I do it? Will it actually be fun once it is done?

For most of today, things were looking pretty bleak. I had planned on making this day my main planning day. Ideas and design and whatnot. Well, my mind was blank. I couldn't think of ANYTHING.

A quick shower, though, solved all of my problems. I do my best thinking in there for some reason. (as I am sure many can relate with) I have to admit, though, that this is a game idea I have had for a long time now. It was the shower that made me realize that it was perfect for my challenge.

The premise is simple. A little boy is dreaming, and the world is his dream. A strange cave appears in the distance. Dare he enter? Outside the cave sits a bard. He tries to talk to him but he just goes on and on about absorbing bullets or something weird like that. The boy enters the cave.

In the cave the boy encounters beasts and monsters of all sorts. Why are they here? Can't stop and think now, they are attacking!

The boy is filled with magical powers as he rises into the air. What is this strange power? It is not merely the boy, someone, something is helping him! A ring of bright crimson materializes around him. The boy is astonished, but he suddenly remembers the words of the bard. "...Absorb bullets with the proper color, and then you may shoot them right back!..." The boy concentrates.. PCHOW! A red orb of light bursts from the ring, frying the monster into cinders.

Don't understand? Tomorrow will explain further, as I work as hard as I can to get this done.

Wish me luck!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Chiptune Monday

Noticing a trend, anyone?

Well, today was GOING to be Chiptune Monday, and, I tried, I really did! I guess I just overestimated my abilities. So, gimme a week, I will have some actually finished tunes to show you.

Oh yes, you'll see.

Anyways, tomorrow starts my 1 Week To Make A Game challenge, and if everything goes as well as the past two days have then.. well then we're screwed.

On a side note: I got my learners permit today! Woohoo! Joyous times.

Welp anyways PEACE OUT YO.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sketch Trip

Looks like I fell asleep before finishing this post. Oh well, here it is anyways:

Well, I didn't quite go on a sketch trip as planned, but I did go on a trip. Today I was definitely worried about rain, and it did sprinkle a bit, so the sketch trip was called off. I definitely needed to get out of the house though, so, despite there being no good movies to see, me and my girlfriend went to the mall. We browsed the shops worth browsing, ate some dinner, and then for no particular reason we decided to head over to Books A Million, which is a pretty good walk from the mall.

It turned out to be the best decision of the day. We browsed the books a bit, picked what we wanted, made our purchases and then went to the cafe to just relax, read, and enjoy our day. We shared a hot cocoa and it was a good time.

Definitely going to try to get out of the house more and relax more often. Thinking about having to post and having something special to put up was already stressing me out, so I'm glad I took this weekend to just chill. Anyways, I have a copy of Spore to go pick up and enjoy!

Friday, September 05, 2008


Today I am not a man of words. Just pictures. As usual, click for a larger view.

I have learned much today, and will continue drawing skeletons, since it is intensely illuminating and very fun.

Tomorrow the Calendar says "sketch trip", but we'll see how the weather is. (Forecast says it might rain.) If that's the case, maybe I can surprise you with something else?

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Desktop Tour - Behind the MAGIC

Yes that's right. The magical world of Wabi-sabi REVEALED AT LAST. In this first time opportunity I will bring you backstage to the heart and soul of Wabi-sabi. Yes that's right, in this premier occasion, I, BuddytheRat, shall show you my desktop. *Applause*

Idiotic attempt at humour aside, streamlining my ability to organize and plan ahead was the main inspiration for starting up my blog again, so I will give you a fairly brief runthrough of how I get things done, with tips and software that can help make ANYONE more productive at their computer. If you spend any time at the computer whatsoever, then you will benefit from this post.

So let's go ahead and get to it. Here is my desktop, in all it's glory:

Click for zoomed in version.


On the left of the screen we have Samurize. The website describes it as an "advanced system monitoring and desktop enhancement engine for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista." In less vague terms, Samurize is a flexible and powerful tool for creating and designing (or downloading) perfectly customized desktop "widgets" so to speak, which can display anything (in beautiful ways) from your grocery list, to currently playing album art, to the amount of harddrive space you have left.

While my own config is still currently a work in progress, (notice the big gap right in the middle?) what I do have is a good showcase of the software's ability.

Here, from top to bottom, I have the date/time, harddrive info (using the Buuf icon set, by mattahan), a list of daily tasks and reponsibilities (because I need it ground into my head or I will probably get distracted), and the currently playing track in winamp, along with album art, track bar, song title, and artist.

Here is the centerpiece of my desktop, a very important piece of software indeed. Sunbird is an open source, extensible calendar created by the people behind the Firefox web browser. It is the central and most important part of my desktop because it is the central and key piece of software used in the creation of this blog! *Applause*

With Sunbird I am able to keep tabs on multiple sets of events and todo lists, each with their own individual colors and settings. Most importantly, I am able to sync Sunbird up perfectly with Google Calendar (with use of this incredibly handy tutorial from one of my most favorite websites ever), putting all of my important dates and times on the internet to access at any time. This is how I am able to seamlessly integrate my Goals calendar with the right hand bar of this blog.

Of course, no calendar is useful if it isn't visible at nearly all times, thus bringing us to our next bit of software, Glass2k. Glass2k is a very simple and easy to use program that allows you to set any window to be semi to completely transparent through the use of very easy to learn hotkeys. How does this become useful in increasing productivity and organization?

Well, with Glass2k, I am able to make Sunbird, and any other desktop applications that I might have the need to keep open, be able to stay open and maximized without hiding or otherwise detracting from the background image. Aesthetics are very very important to me, and so Glass2k has become a mainstay in my software library as a nice way to establish an aesthetic, yet still functional workspace.

Our last piece of software is one of my favorites. Executor is a must for anyone that strives to speed up their ability to navigate their computer. Put simply, Executor is an easily accessible context menu that can be quickly accessed at any time through use of a hotkey. (Mine is ctrl+/) Once open just simply typing the name of any application, or preset keyword will find and open any program, folder, etc. that you might otherwise access through slow use of the mouse. In my current setup, a quick "Ctrl+/, net, [enter]" will open up my web browser.

The use of Executor has completely removed any need I may have had for the Start Menu. (Which I have slyly removed through use of another program, called Start Killer.

So that's it. That's my desktop. Thanks for all your time and I'll see you tomorrow! Expect more posts like this in the future, as I compile more of the tricks, tips, and software that I have amassed and used over the years.